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Лиценци Лиценца А за изведувач на градби на прва категорија , издадена од Министерство за транспорт и врски РСМ, број И.155/А со важност до 08.06.2023 година А интегрирана еколошка дозвола - Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање на Р.Македонија од 13.04.2017 година

The successful story began in the distant year 2001 when the company for transport, construction, and trade VATO LLC – Studenichani – Skopje was founded.

We started our activity with just a few trucks as cargo and transport vehicles and have grown into a construction giant.

The fundamental motivation of the founders of the company was and remains persistence, as well as the quality and timely execution of the undertaken and agreed tasks with the clients who have used the company's services in its operations so far.

 This way of working, with special care for its clients, has led to continuously successful operations, accompanied by financial stability, which in turn has led to planning for further development, primarily in investment ventures. 

Throughout its entire existence, the company has consistently invested in fixed assets directly required for performing its core activity – freight road transport. Proper planning in investments – the acquisition of fixed assets – has led to their quantitative and qualitative growth.

Градителите денес во светот претставуваат симбиоза на визионер, планер, економист и извршител во исто време.

За поефикасно извршување на работи Друштвото го обновуваше товарниот возен парк со паралелна набавка на дополнителни градежни машини кои ги опслужуваа транспортните средства директно на теренот каде што се изведуваа работите.

Со ваков вид на инвестиции се прошири обемот на работа и директно се намали зависноста од ангажирање на други извршители, пред се во припремата за транспортот – ископ и утовар во транспортни средства.

Денес Друштвото располага со модерни транспортнни средства и со комплетна градежна механизација за изведба на секаков вид нискоградба и високоградба како и лиценца А за изведба на градби од прва категорија издадена на 08.06.2016 година од Министерство за транспорт и врски на Р.Македонија.

The permanent development in the field of construction was concluded by the company in the period from 2012 to 2015 with the acquisition of a concession for the exploitation of minerals – limestone in the territory of the Municipality of Sopiste – the locality of Jaboci-Govrlevo. At the same time, the company invested in a Quarry – crushing limestone into appropriate granulations as a finished product, thus completing another segment of its comprehensive presence in the construction and services market. The capacity of the Quarry is a daily production of 360 tons of finished product.

Друштвото исто така инвестирашњ и се здоби со своја  асвалтна база во 2016 година со капацитет од 160т/h, која  е лоцирана на локалитетот Јаболци – Говрлево до постоечки Каменолом  и со самото тоа сега имаме нов сопствен готов производ – асфалт што му овозможува на Друштвото поголема конкурентност и еластичност во давање на понуди кон инвеститорите во изведба на нискоградба – патишта и улици. Асфалтната база работи според сите законски стандарди и поседува А интегрирана еколошка дозвола издадена од Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање на Р.Македонија од 13.04.2017 година.

Денес Друштвото брои повеќе од 60 (шеесет) вработени, оператива и високо професионалел и компетентен кадар кои брзо и лесно одговараат на  тековните обврски и предизвици на пазарот на нашата дејност.


Internal conditions: years of experience, skilled personnel, modern equipment and infrastructure, development goals, monitoring new technologies with the acquisition of modern equipment and tools, investing in employee training for their professional development.

External conditions: working during the pandemic, adjusting to competitors' prices, political conditions, the country's economic development, finding suitable skilled labor, the rise in the prices of raw materials, and meeting legal requirements.


  • ул.4 бр.19 Батинци
  • phone: 02/2722-210
  • e-mail: vato_doo@hotmai.com
  • web: www.vato.mk


The requirement 8.3 Design and Development is not applicable in the quality management system.

ВАТО ДОО СКОПЈЕMIS VATO LLC Skopje is an organization fully dedicated to the implementation of quality as a working system. From the very beginning of its operations, it has been in search of new solutions in the field of construction. The high level of the quality management system, environmental management, and occupational safety and health is the foundation of its operations and the continuous improvement of the organization.

The primary goal of the organization is to meet the needs and expectations of clients by offering quality products and services. The quality, environmental, and occupational safety and health management system is continuously monitored and improved to ensure that the organization's policies and objectives are met.

The objectives of ВАТО ДОО СКОПЈЕare:

  • Continuous improvement, control, and monitoring of service quality in accordance with the expectations of our clients, legal requirements, and global trends in construction.
  • Protection of the working environment and preservation of resources and investments in the best possible way.
  • Continuous cooperation with suppliers, clients, and subcontractors, and adherence to established global standards for the quality of materials used in the construction of buildings.
  • Setting and achieving high goals and standards that will positively reflect on the company's image.
  • Meeting the requirements of legal regulations.
  • Creating a business quality system oriented towards the market and clients.
  • Adapting and analyzing market needs in order to improve and strengthen the company's image.
  • Taking corrective actions for the continuous improvement of service quality.
  • Identifying and eliminating all risks and deficiencies that may lead to a loss of client trust and a decrease in profit.
  • Continuous training and education of employees as the core support of the quality, environmental, and occupational safety and health management system.
  • Minimizing the discharge of waste materials into the environment and emissions into the air, with pollution control, and where possible, reducing, recycling, and reusing waste.
  • Continuous cooperation with relevant organizations and institutions for the protection, improvement, and development of the environment.
  • Development of new construction technologies in accordance with the highest global standards that minimize the negative impact on the environment.
  • The policy of our company is to perform work in the safest possible manner, in accordance with global standards applied in construction.
  • Identifying any potential hazards to the safety of workers.
  • Constant dedication of our team responsible for safety to monitor all processes at the worksite where the activities are being carried out.
  • We advocate for regular inspections to identify any safety deficiencies in operations and eliminate any potential accidents.
  • Maintenance and continuous improvement of the established systems for quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety, according to the requirements of international standards. ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 и ISO 45001:2018.

The top management of VATO accepts the responsibility for establishing and implementing a quality management system, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety, as well as continuously improving its effectiveness.

Прифаќањето на наведените обврски највисокото раководство на ВАТО демонстрира со тоа што:

  • It defines the scope of application of the system..
  • It communicates to the employees the importance of meeting customer requirements, as well as the requirements of applicable laws, regulations, and technical standards.
  • It establishes a policy for quality, environmental protection, and occupational safety and health.
  • It ensures, based on the policy, the establishment of objectives for quality, environmental protection, and occupational safety and health.

It periodically conducts a review of the system    заради   обезбедување   негова постојана погодност, адекватност и ефективност. Преиспитувањето кое го извршува раководството опфаќа   вреднување   на   моменталните перформанси   на   системот.

The interested parties are our clients, subcontractors, authorized companies, local government, relevant institutions and ministries, and our employees, with whom we are always open for dialogue in aligning all their requirements. Our requests and expectations from the interested parties are:

  • clients: to sign contracts with us and settle their obligations in a timely manner.
  • suppliers: to perform the work they are engaged for in a timely and quality manner.
  • regulatory authorities: to issue the documents necessary for our activities.
  • our employees: to adhere to the rules and work procedures.

Review of interested parties:

Name Очекуван влез од заинтересираната  страна во ВАТО и МИС ВАТО Contact details
Министерство за транспорт и врски Издавање на лиценца за изведба на објекти од прва категорија и добивање на тендери за изведба

Даме Груев 6, 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија

Тел: (0)2 3145 497

Факс (0)2 3126 228


Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање Издавање наA интегрирана еколошка дозвола и следење на законска регулатива за управување со отпад


ПлоштадПресвета Богородица бр.3 Скопје

Email: infoeko@moepp.gov.mk

Тел: 02 3225 237

Градежен Институт Македонија Certification of the quarry Дрезденска 52, Скопје, Македонија

тел  02 30 66 816



Контрол Груп Certification of ISO standards Ул. Мајаковски бр.31,Скопје, Македонија

тел.071 262 479


Т- Церт Систем


Сертификација на систем за управување со квалитет ИСО 9001:2015, животна средина ИСО 14001:2015, управување со безбедност и здравје при работа ИСО 45001:2018 Ул. 11-ти Октомври бр.52А/5 100 Скопје,

e-mail: office@tuv.mk

тел: 071-296-290

City of Skopje Добивање на тендери за изведба на улици и булевари, сообраќајни решенија при изведба бул. “Илинден“ бр. 82 Скопје
e-mail: gradonacalnik@skopje.gov.mk
тел: 02/3297 204
факс: 02/3165 445
Municipality of Sopiste Добивање на тендери за изведба на улици, договор за чистење на отпад Ул.2 бр.2 Сопшите, Скопје, Македонија
тел.02 2785100
Општина Студеничани Добивање на тендери за изведба на улици Ул.1 бр.117 Студеничани, Скопје, Македонија
тел.02 2724005studenicani@studenicani.gov.mk 
Улици и Патишта Добивање на тендери набавка на материјали,градежни работи и  изведба на градежни работи Ул.Коле Неделковски бр.38 Скопје, Македонија



Municipality of Petrovec Добивање на тендери за изведба на улици Ул.1 б.б Петровец, Скопје, Македонија
тел.02 2562239opstinapetrovec@yahoo.com

The management establishes the internal communication process regarding the effectiveness of the system as a means to achieve employee engagement for the continuous improvement of the organization's performance.

Internal communication within the system occurs in two directions:

  • The management communicates to employees the policy and objectives for quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety, as well as the requirements of customers and applicable laws and regulations, process specifications, service specifications, and service control specifications, along with instructions on how to implement the system. The information is communicated through the system documents established in the List of Procedures and Records.
  • Employees communicate data and information to management regarding customer needs and expectations, customer satisfaction, quality performance, system effectiveness, and opportunities for improvement. This information is communicated to management within the framework of review activities conducted by management, in a manner determined by the procedure. ПР-930-101.01 – Review conducted by management.

Раководство на ВАТО го преиспитува системот во утврдени интервали заради:

  • Ensure its continuous suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness;
  • Evaluating opportunities for improving the performance of processes and products;
  • Reviewing changes to the system, policy, and objectives.

Со состаноците на кои се преиспитува системот претседава Управителот на ВАТО.

The system review is conducted at least once a year or as needed (due to changes in the organization, internal audits, and circumstances requiring increased involvement from top management).

The implementation and method of documenting the reviews are established in the procedure. ПР-930-101.01 – Review conducted by management.

Раководството  на ВАТО ги  идентификува  и обезбедува ресурсите потребни за:

  • Спроведување и   одржување  на  системот и ресурсите  потребни   за   постојано подобрување на неговата ефективност;
  • Increasing customer satisfaction and meeting their requirements.

The responsibility for determining the needs and requirements for resources necessary for the implementation and maintenance of the system, as well as for the continuous improvement of its effectiveness, lies with the Management Representative, in collaboration with the department heads responsible for the individual processes within the company..

The responsibility for determining the needs and requirements for resources necessary to increase customer satisfaction and meet their requirements lies with the Manager, in collaboration with the department heads responsible for the individual aspects of customer satisfaction.

The determination of resources is carried out during the establishment of the system processes..

Communicating and reviewing resource requirements, as well as determining resources, is carried out within the framework of the review activities conducted by the management in a manner defined by the procedure ПР-930-101.01 Review conducted by management. All measures that result from the management review must be supported by the determination of the resources required for their implementation. The top management defines the authorizations and responsibilities for the procurement of the necessary resources within the procurement activity.

8.1. Human Resources

All employees performing activities that impact the quality of services are competent based on their appropriate education, professional training, skills, expertise, and experience.

The required competence is determined through the adopted systematization, which defines tasks and job responsibilities for each position. For certain tasks that require specific expertise, training programs are conducted for the personnel.

VATO conducts professional training or other measures to comply with the established competency requirements for employees, ensuring their continuous improvement.

The representative of management is responsible for determining the needs for professional training and establishing a program to promote awareness of the importance of customer requirements throughout the organization.

Function managers are responsible for determining the needs for professional training as well as establishing professional training programs within the functions they are responsible for. These programs are aligned with the processes carried out within the functions in order to:

  • To create awareness of the relevance and importance of the activities they perform.
    и сопствениот придонес за остварување на целите на ВАТО.
  • Raising the level of expertise in managing equipment and processes.
    conducting appropriate controls and tests, using statistical and
    other methods for data analysis, that is, continuous improvement.

The representative of management, in collaboration with the function managers, determines the training needs within the processes for implementing corrective actions.

The training process also includes evaluating its effectiveness.

Details about the authorities and responsibilities, as well as the methods for planning, implementation, evaluation, and review, along with the relevant records for the training, education, expertise, and experience of employees, are determined by PR-716-101.01. Training.

Раководството на ВАТО периодично ги преиспитуваа резултатите на стручното оспособување и предлага потребни подобрувања.

8.2. Infrastructure

VATO has established and provided all the necessary infrastructure required to achieve compliance of services with the defined requirements. The infrastructure includes:

  • Buildings, work and office space, warehouses;
  • Work equipment, hardware, software.;
  • Internal and external transportation and communication tools.

VATO has ensured the maintenance of the infrastructure to ensure the ability to meet the service compliance requirements.

8.3. Working Environment

ВАТО ги има обезбедено условите по однос на просторот и условите за вршење на дејноста и има изготвено Изјава за безбедност при работа со проценка на професионлни ризици на работното место, согласно барањата од Законот на безбедост и здравје при работа.

Директорот на ВАТО, е одговорен за управување со работната средина во согласност со законската регулатива (според деловните потреби на компанијата/ процесите/ услугите…), заради постигнување оптимални работни услови, спречување односно контрола над можните последици кои се остваруваат во меѓусебните контакти на вработените и работната средина, а кои можат штетно да влијаат на перформансите за квалитет на производот/услугата, вработените и работната средина.

ВАТО дава осебено значение на општествената одговорност, заштитата на животна средината и безбедноста и здравјето при работа. Основните начела за таа цел се забрана за дискриминација, дефинирање на работно време и прекувремена работа, кодекс на однесување, задолжување на вработените со соодветна заштитна облека, управување со отпадот, намалување на влијанијата на животна средината, свесност за безбедноста и здравјето при работа на нашите вработени и подизведувачи, како би ги исполниле законските барања и би придонесле за зголемување на задоволството на вработените, клиентите и пошироката заедница во која делуваме.